FIT cleans up at Annual Awards 2023-24!

The soft lighting of Lucky’s Speakeasy, a unique space hidden behind behind two barbershop chairs created a warm ambiance, and the chatter of excited guests filled the air. It was clear that this was more than just an awards ceremony; it was a celebration of hard work, dedication, and the indomitable spirit of triathlon here in the ACT.

Once everyone settled in things got down to business. Congratulations go to the following Age Group athletes:

  • 16-19 – Olivia Maron, 2nd place
  • 35-39 – Prue Guest 2nd place, Cristal Jones 3rd place
  • 40-44 – Libby Werner-Gibbings 1st place, Kate Corbett 2nd place, Suzanna Maher 3rd place
  • 45-49 – Christina Falsone 3rd place
  • 50-54 – Susan Daniell 1st place, Michelle Grech 2nd place, Fiona Souden 3rd place
  • 60-64 – Judy Gebhart 2nd place
  • 65-69 – Leanne Tennant 1st Place
  • 70+ – Jean Chesson 1st place, Jill Wisbey 2nd place, Robyn McClelland 3rd place

It was an honour to watch the shocked faces of our fellow members names were announced for the following special awards:

Celine Payet

Volunteer of the Year

Cristal Jones

Novice of the Year (shared)

Prue Guest

Club Coach of the Year

But the biggest shock of the night came when the ACT Triathlon League Champion Club was announced as Females in Training. The cheers were deafening as I had the honour of accepting the plaque on the club’s behalf. James Thorp of JT Multisport, who has won the award for the last two years congratulated us on our win but said that he’s coming for us in the coming season. I say “Bring it!”